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“You will never be this young again” and “Remember when you

prayed for what you have now” are just a couple of the inspirational quotes

circulating on social media that remind us of our age, and all that goes with

it. These thoughts apply to our skin, too.

Skin changes as we age, and so do our skincare needs. It’s

not optimal for adults to use the same products as teens, especially when

addressing acne. What’s the difference?

Acne is the primary skin concern for most teens. Teens and

young adults have more hormone activity than adults (aka “raging hormones”),

producing more oil. So, they’re more likely to have severe acne, and it most

commonly pops up around the forehead and nose (T-Zone) or all over the face.

But younger skin is also more resilient and has faster cell turnover, and

collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are all at their peaks (lucky teens!).

Adult acne is based more on cyclical hormones, especially in

women. It appears more commonly around the jawline, mouth and chin area

(U-Zone). Plus, skin cells turn over more slowly as we age, leading to clogged


Adults have other concerns as time starts to wreak havoc on

skin. As we age, we start to notice a certain a deepening of the “smile” lines

between the nose and mouth, and expression lines around the eyes. Adults

produce less collagen and elastin so skin can appear to “sag” or “sink.” Skin

is drier since we also produce less oil as we age. The moisture barrier gets

compromised over time. All of this leads to skin being less resilient and more

sensitive. The sun’s UVA rays trigger our natural defense and we produce

melanin, eventually resulting in brown spots and uneven tone.

Luckily, we can address the visible signs of aging and the

complexities of adult acne with the right skincare Regimen. And since 40% of

adults have some form of acne, they have to pay attention to both acne and

their other concerns, like fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness and

elasticity, and discoloration.


So, it makes sense that teens and adults should take care of

their acne — and their skin in general — differently. Rodan + Fields has

introduced two new acne-fighting Regimens, one for each group.

The new SPOTLESS Regimen is specifically designed for teens and young adults. SPOTLESS delivers more oxygen and Benzoyl Peroxide deeper to the pores to kill acne bacteria starting Day 1. It also reduces the appearance of oiliness and shine. And it’s just two steps, so it’s easy to use — a good thing for teens and young adults.

The UNBLEMISH Regimen has been reformulated to address adult acne and visible signs of aging. This four-step Regimen gently and effectively helps clear acne and prevents future blemishes while it visibly smooths, firms and improves the appearance of uneven skin tone for clearer, healthier, younger-looking skin.

Though we can’t change everything that time does (should

that be another inspirational quote?) we can address skin concerns, including

acne and visible signs of aging, at any age.