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Your hustle is hard. It takes focus, drive, talent,

knowledge and passion. Ultimately, it’s what keeps you motivated that matters

most. When all the hard work pays off, you should have space to enjoy what

keeps you going – dreams, family, me-time, your dog, whatever it is. You work

hard so you can live beautifully.

Easier said than done, we know. Our careers can quickly

become all-consuming. They take up most of our day and tend to follow us home.

We’ve got a few tips on how to crush your main gig, be the hero of your side

hustle AND give yourself the room to love life. For R+F Independent Consultants

and go-getters of all varieties, you deserve it.

1. Get Real

Take time to reflect on what can realistically be

accomplished. Give yourself time to finish things in the coming days and weeks

and plan your schedule. You may find it helpful to plan tomorrow’s to-do list

at the end of today, or to start each day by making sure you’re ready to rock.

We all work a little differently, so do what works for you.

2. Take Care

Burnout is real. And it’s not just bad for you, it’s bad for

business. Nothing derails your productivity like getting sick. Make sure you

give yourself time to exercise, eat proper meals (vending machine doesn’t

count) and keep up with any doctors’ checkups. Take your vitamins to avoid

wasting your PTO on sick days and falling behind. Add our ESSENTIALS

Maximum D3* Vitamin D Supplement to your daily routine. It’s a must-have

for beautiful skin, bone health and overall wellness.

3. Make Time

Your “me time” deserves a real spot on your schedule. Your

mental health and free time aren’t just for when you run out of things to do.

That almost never happens! You’re a priority. So block off time for rest,

meditation, fun and self-care. Take breaks, too. Most of us need a few moments

of peace in the morning and evening. Try focusing on the calming ritual of your

Regimen steps ,

indulge in your favorite tea or spend some time taking inventory of what you’re

thankful for.

The overall theme is time. Give yourself time for ALL of the

important things in your life, even if that means a “bubble bath” reminder

interrupts that evening scan of your Inbox.

*Maximum D3® is a registered trademark belonging to BTR Group, Inc.

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